Fan Dongwang
Chinese-Australian Artist
范东旺 - 澳洲华裔艺术家
Icons of Identity
Fan Dongwang solo exhibition, 541 Art Space, Sydney 2017
Icons of Identity
Fan Dongwang solo exhibition
541 Art Space, Sydney 2017
ICONS OF IDENTITY is a serial of canvas paintings portraying a confronting world view formed by wide ranging cultural icons from east and west, in the realms of history, arts, religion and politics. Images of Chinese sages and Western Christian figures are nestled beside each other. Australian iconic Gum tree and Chinese national symbol of dragon simultaneously vie for space. Recurring themes of desire and conflict of old and new develop into an idiosyncratic system of representation, which both compliment and also form thoughtful counterpoints throughout the work. These are not only beautiful but also powerful symbols of Australia's diverse cultures and nationhood. The amalgamation of evocative images in ICONS OF IDENTITY may seem contradictory to Australians of different backgrounds, yet the layers of meaning and multiple interpretations endeavour to reflect Australia's emerging and diversified cultural identity. It also establishes Fan Dongwang's ambivalent identity as a Chinese-Australian artist.