Fan Dongwang
Chinese-Australian Artist
范东旺 - 澳洲华裔艺术家

Dragon Installations
Here is a selection of installations exhibited by Chinese Australian artist Fan Dongwang.
Dragon Installation
Fan Dongwang - The Dragon is at Dawes Point looking out towards Sydney opera house, installation view 2016, produced by Sydney City Council, 6 m long x 2.8 m wide x 4 m high, Moulded steel armature, steel framing, 400 LED globes, nylon fabric.
The dragon is a creature of myth and legend, a symbol of good fortune and sign of intense power. Dragon has the body of a snake, the face of a horse, antlers of the deer and claws of the eagle, the beard of a goat and the scales of a fish. It is a divine beast to deliver good fortune and a master of authority. Chinese-Australian sculptor Fan Dongwang uses the Chinese zodiac animal dragon to reflect those people born in Dragon years are to be honored and respected, because they have characteristics of a dragon include innovative, enterprising, flexible, self-assured, brave, and passionate. The lantern is a uniquely Australian celebration of the Sydney Chinese New Year Festival.